These heaters are about 40 years old and were very wellmade. We makebaffleplates and firebricks for these heaters.
Our baffleplate is designed so that the central flap hinge is above the baffleplate so it is protected from the direct heat from the fire. We expect this design change will make the hinge last longer.
We make 2 firebricks for each side, so they are lighter and easier to fit than the original larger bricks. We use the same material that BHP uses to line their blast furnaces which is harder than normal firebricks and we expect it to last well.
We make about 50 different baffleplates, so it is likely that we can supply you with a suitable baffleplate for your heater. Our baffleplate identification page may help you identify the plate you need. Should we not have a suitable baffleplate, then we have a limited special offer to supply one to your specification
Normally our baffleplates are in stock and can be picked up or shipped promptly.
You are welcome to contact us for advice on woodheaters and baffleplates. 🕼